Dear Calum,

Happy birthday. 10 years old. Wow.

This past year was a big one for you. So much growing up. I’m really proud of all of the work you have done and the progress you have made. You’re becoming such a big kid, I can’t believe it.


You struggled a bit with the end of 3rd grade. A lot of big things were being asked for you at school, and I think it felt like a lot all at once. But then 4th grade started and all of the things that felt too big before were just right. You never give up and you always work hard, even when you feel discouraged. That’s not easy. You’re one tough kid.


This past year was also big deal because you were finally able to articulate the way you feel about who you are – that you feel a little bit like a boy and a little bit a girl and that you would like us to use “they” as a pronoun for you. It was not too much of a surprise, but it was good to feel that we understand how you are feeling and are be able to talk to you and about you in the way that feels the most right for you. Your school and friends and family have been really wonderful about it, and that has been pretty great too.

You loved doing travel soccer this spring. Your team really came together this season, and you finally had some wins, so everyone was really excited about that. But honestly you, and your team, just really enjoy playing, and it’s a joy watching you enjoy being on the field.


At the beginning of the summer you went to sleep away camp for the very first time and you loved it. I wrote you a letter and an email every day and your aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins sent you letters because I was worried you might be homesick and instead you were sort of embarrassed about getting so many notes at camp. When you walked in the door, the first thing you asked was whether you would be able to go for two weeks next year! If you missed us, it clearly was not enough to hold you back 🙂 The only thing you could think to tell us about were the macaroni and cheese pancakes that you loved to have for breakfast, but my impression was that it was pretty great. I think you loved all of the activities and the being outside so much and the independence. We signed you up again as soon as registration opened up.


We also did two weeks of soccer clinic this week and you loved it. It was hot and the days were long and I still had to drag you and August away at the end of the day (Hugo was less excited). You and August both want to go for every more weeks this coming summer.

All 3 of you also went to drop-in camp again this summer. You really enjoy meeting and being with people. You feel comfortable with big groups of people. You seem to just enjoy being social and having fun. You always felt that I picked you up “too early”. There is always something else interesting or exciting happening that you never want to miss out on.


This summer was very busy and you really enjoyed it. You love being and visiting with other people and, even though no one really loves all of the traveling, you especially enjoyed all of the time we were able to spend with family and friends, celebrating birthdays and a wedding and just seeing the people you love.


You love swimming and soccer and reading. You got into the Percy Jackson books this year and we have been reading them together every night. Sometimes you get impatient and read ahead. It’s been so fun seeing you love the series as much as August did and it’s been fun re-reading them with you, although between you reading on your own and Papa reading to you, I can never really remember what is happening in the story by the time it’s my turn to read again. You love reading graphic novels too and we have quite the collection. You and Hugo are big re-readers, so our little library is well loved.


Although you are always sad to see the summer end, you get very excited about going back to school, and this fall was no exception. Between starting soccer again and seeing school friends, September is a great time for you. We spend every afternoon possible on the playground after school and it is always a bit of a struggle getting everyone to head home. We have a regular afternoon school crew who also hang, so it’s been fun getting to know those friends better, and it always helps if everyone can leave at the same time.


This winter was a bit of a disappointment because we did not have much snow. You definitely had big plans for sledding and snowboarding and snowball fighting that were never able to be realized. We did get to get out with friends a bit, so at least we made the most of it, but it was disappointing not to get to have as much snow fun this year.


We did do swim lessons again this winter and you loved that. You moved up to the highest group before swim team. You’ve really come so far along with swimming, it’s been amazing to see your progress. You are excited to swim this summer.

You have been waiting and waiting to play volleyball at school and finally this year you were old enough for the program! Unfortunately, volleyball was canceled almost as soon as it started!


Moving to online learning was a big disappointment for you. Not only was your teacher at home much worse than your teachers at school, but you really missed your friends, and it took some time to get used to the new home routine. Your birthday party was also the first family casualty of the lockdown. You were very understanding about needing to reschedule your birthday party and I think we celebrated you in a pretty good way on your day, but the timing of everything was a bummer for turning 10 for sure!


It’s been a very busy year and you’ve grownup so much! I can’t believe you have been with us for 10 years already! We are so lucky to have you, Calum, and we love you so very much.

Happy Birthday and happy 10!




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